Shakaya Leone

'Beauty is the antidote to darkness!'

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Shakaya Leone

'My childhood was traumatic and filled with loss. When I was 16 my single mom died suddenly and I became homeless. Living on the dusty streets all alone I experienced the ugly side of life; I was often afraid and I dreamed of a different life... I turned inward and discovered an infinite well of beauty, love and Light! Now whenever I paint I feel so blissful, kissed by Divine and this is why I want to share my artwork with the world.'

Shakaya Leone is an abstract impressionistic painter. She paints serene images of florals, abstracts and landscapes in oils or acrylics with a focus on capturing the fleeting, ethereal nature of beauty and light. Her home studio is nestled in nature in a cozy bright space where she hears birds singing and the waterfall from the backyard pond. Painting is a mediation of grace and play. It's as if the images she paints have a life of their own ie flowers are dancing and floating around the canvas in bliss. Moulding paste and glass beads are used to create texture, dimension and contrast to the softness of the petals and their colours. A reminder that although there is often great contrast in life ie pain and disappointment, there is also great beauty and joy- so what will we focus on? Shakaya paints to give people something beautiful to focus upon.

 Originals by Shakaya

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